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HoMM3 Ignus Templates Vault

A Vault of H3 RMG Ignus templates mantained by Ignus.


mt_Firewalk 2.2a

Download mt_Firewalk 2.2a

Changes from last version (2.1)


This template is focused on highly dynamic game. Player starting zones contain 3 towns and are very rich, but with some custom rules: 2 dwelling of 7th level and 3 dwellings of 6th level, and Pandora’s boxes with experience, are always present; Dragon Utopias and banks which give creatures in reward are forbidden. The connection to white zone is worth opening soon: there the big piles of gold, banks with gold in reward and a Conflux village can be found. Besides white zone, there are 3 treasure zones present on the template: “Creature Bank zone”, “Big Sand zone” and “Dragon Utopia zone”.

Template specifications